
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sherry Green Beans That Sing!

Sher-er-rry, Sherry baby. Sher-er-rry, Sherry baby. She-er-rry, can you come out tonight? Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons may not have been asking for Sherry in their green beans but what a great idea to party up those traditional green beans for Thanksgiving! Bring out the sherry tonight and everyone can sign a round of Sherry Baby and be thankful for the variety!
Sherry Green Beans
1 lb green beans, washed, trimmed and cut on diagonal
3 strips bacon, crisp
2 Tbs butter
1/2 C red bell pepper, julienne
1/2 tsp Fines Herbs
3 tsp Dry Sherry
1/2 C toasted sliced almonds
Salt and Pepper, to taste

Clean and cut green beans and blanch until crisp tender. Place in ice water bath to stop cooking, drain and set aside.

Toast almonds under the broiler until golden brown. Watch carefully as they cook fast at the end and will burn easily.
Cook bacon until crisp, drain off grease and set aside.

Melt butter in a large pan and add green beans, bacon, bell pepper, Fines Herbs and sherry. Heat until warmed through. Add salt and pepper to taste. At this stage you can refrigerate until ready to serve. Reheat and sprinkle with toasted almonds just before servings so they stay crunchy.

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