
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Give Me Gravy!

Give me Gravy and I am a happy girl! I love mash potatoes and gravy any time of the year but on Thanksgiving is it a must! People stress over making the gravy and it really is not worth getting wound up over when you know how to make it. If all else fails, just run it through the strainer and pour it in the boat. No one will know. Gravy and a little poem to put a smile on your lips! Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and friends!

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey be plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!

No Lump Gravy


1/2 C white wine or dry Marsala
1 Tbs Dijon mustard
7-8 C chicken stock, hold back 1 C to mix with flour
Pan drippings, fat separated
1/2 C all-purpose flour 


Make gravy while turkey rests.

Pour pan juices through a fine-mesh sieve into measuring cup (do not clean roasting pan), then skim off and discard fat. (If using a fat separator, pour pan juices through sieve into separator and let stand until fat rises to top, 1 to 2 minutes. Carefully pour pan juices from separator into measure, discarding fat.)

Place roasting pan across 2 burners, then add wine and mustard and deglaze roasting pan by bringing to a rolling simmer, stirring and scraping up brown bits, 1 minute. Add stock and pan juices to the deglazed mixture. (if stock is congealed, heat to liquefy).

Use a small strainer to sift the flour into a medium bowl. Slowly add 1 cup of cool stock into the flour, whisking until smooth and lump free. Hot stock can create lumps so make sure stock is cool when adding to flour.

Whisk in the flour mixture to the chicken stock in the roasting pan. Reduce until the mixture thickens. Cook it for a while longer to help the starch in the flour break down and yield a slightly smoother texture. Stir in any turkey juices accumulated on platter and simmer 5 minutes. Season gravy with salt and pepper to taste.

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