
Friday, July 1, 2011

Patriotic Cosmos ~ Friday's 5 o'clock Wet Your Whistle Call!

Kick off the 4th of July holiday weekend with a party cocktail that says "Let Freedom Ring"! Fourth of July is American Independence Day and celebrates the spirit of Patriotism and Freedom. This festive summertime holiday is perfect for picnics and barbeques with family and friends. Freedom represents many things to many people but the freedom to celebrate with your favorite people, food, music and drinks is one of the best reasons of all!

Patriotic Cosmos

½ oz Cointreau
1 oz vodka
Splash cranberry, red or white
½ lime juice


Pour all ingredients in mixing glass half filled with ice. Shake and strain. For a fun twist, use white cranberry juice for a separate batch and add a few drops of blue food coloring to another batch. When serving, your guest can choose from the red, white or blue cocktails.

Kids love to be a part of the festivities with fun drinks just as much as the adults. You can get the kids involved by having them make the stars for the drinks.

Star Spangled Kiddie Cocktail


Before the 4th, freeze Cool Blue Gatorade or Kool-Aid Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade and Red Hawaiian Fruit Punch in star-shaped ice cube trays. Just before serving, pour cold 7-up in individual clear glasses. Add a few of the star shaped ice cubes to each glass along with a festive straw. Yes, if you add the red stars and the blue stars to the same glass, when they melt, you will have purple. Not so bad.

We hope you and your family have a happy and safe 4th of July holiday weekend!

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