
Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Cocktail - Friday's 5 o'clock Wet Your Whistle Call!

Have you fallen for an April Fool’s joke or two today? Well you are probably not alone. The pranksters are out in full force today and as long as the joke makes everyone laugh, even the one it is played on, then laughter is great! Here is a recipe that was created by the Food Network Kitchens and I don’t know if it is a joke or not. Try one out and let me know. Was it a fun twist on a child hood favorite Orange Creamsicle or just a “tasteless” joke?

Orange Creamezcal
Recipe Courtesy of Food Network Kitchens

4 small scoops vanilla ice cream, about 2/3 cup
1 ounce mezcal (Gusano Rojo is our favorite)
6 ounces orange soda, chilled
Drop the ice cream scoop into a chilled soda glass. Pour the mescal over the ice cream, and then the orange soda. Serve.

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