
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Celebrate Yourself

Celebrate Yourself !

During this holiday season , this time of celebration,
a time of reflection-, a time of love,
I want to celebrate having you in my life.

Each of us affects each other’s lives. 
We help each other draw closer to our desires,
to our dreams , to ourselves.

You are valuable
And special
And powerful
(even when you don’t feel like you are).

Celebrate who you are - -

Right now

Not the you, you wish you were
but who you are today, right now.

Contemplate the many gifts in your life.
What makes your life special this season?

List 3 things right now.

Now, take a deep breath and breathe in gratitude.

Smile, Laugh and share your joy with all around you.

Wishing you the Happiest New Year ever!

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